Prayer from perspective of science

Movements in prayer:

1.       Qiyam - standing upright
2.        Ruku'
3.        Sujood
4.        Sitting between two sujood
5.        Sitting Tahayatul Awal
6.        Sitting Akhir

The study about the benefits of prayer from science perspective has been done by Biomedical Engineering Department of University Malaya. It is conducted by Dr. Fatima Ibrahim, Professor Dr Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas and Ng Siew Chok. It is proved that prayer gives a lots of benefits in term of physical and mental. They are:
1.    Qiyam (standing upright)
-  Several studies have been made ​​about the movement of the muscles when we start standing up, then                 raising both hands placed on the takbir and put on the stomach can enlarge the chest cavity & lungs will         feel spacious and move the muscles in both hands.
- Brain signals are in the most relaxed (alpha). [Ng Siew Chok]

2.    Ruku'
- When bow, the body bent forward, and his hands were on top of the knees and hips parallel to the floor.
- This position is capable of moving the segmentation spine, collarbone, and pelvis.
- Ruku’ in right posture can slow the aging process; improve water balance in the body and smooth the                function of the kidneys.
- The movement of the right bow can prevent, treat and rehabilitate back pain. This is because when bent,         lumbar muscles located in the back of the body will contract and rest when the body is fully bent.
- Ruku’ can also reduce the risk of nerve compression thus promoting flexibility of the spine.

3.     Sujood
- During sujood, many of the muscles and joints can be moved.
- The entire body weight is supported on the muscles of the hands, legs, chest, stomach, back, neck and leg         muscles.
- Sitting between the two sujood will move the heel, hip, groin, toes and other.
- The habit of bending the toes while sujood can increased rates of fat burning in the body and lowers the         risk of heart disease.
- Research shows sujood position is useful for someone who suffers from high blood pressure. This is                     because when sujood; heart rate is low, and this can reduce the blood pressure.
- Done sujood, we will sit between the two sujood and again will fall down and get up qiyam; this movement     will automatically move a large number of muscles in the chest, shoulders, arms, abdomen, buttocks,             thighs, and legs.

4.    Sitting between the two sujood, sitting Tahayatul Awal & sitting Tahayatul Akhir

- The pattern of bending the toes while sitting between the two sujood, sitting Tahayatul Awal and    Tahayatul Akhir are able to increase the rate of fat burning in the body and lowers the risk of heart disease.
- The right heel bent and the other feet weight is on it. This position helps remove poisons (toxins) from the     body and move the muscle in the colon.
- This position enables the body to comfortably rest and help in digestion.

As a conclusion, prayer from the perspective of Islam is the way for us to showing our gratitude to Allah while prayer from a scientific viewpoint is a perfect body care practices. Movement in prayer if done in the proper position is able to prevent, treat and rehabilitate a numbers of diseases.

If prayer is practiced to perfection
, Insya Allah this practice can nourish the heart, strengthen the kidney, treat impotence for men, improve the quality of sex and genital muscle recovery.

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    Nisa Akmal Samsuddin
    Occupational Therapy's student
    UiTM, Puncak Alam's campus


    December 2013

